REVIEW: Taking their name from Antonio
Vivaldi, (aka "The Red Priest"), and perhaps
hoping to give a nod to the more raucous
Judas Priest, this British baroque ensemble
consists of Piers Adams, recorder; Julia
Bishop, violin; Angela East, cello; and
David Wright, harpsichord. Being thus
composed, this "stripped-down" Messiah
(excerpts) is rather refreshing - not that
they play it straight; if I were to
describe their sound - it might be something
like this: imagine, if you will, a slightly
tipsy band of pirates who discover a
wormhole in time and space and slip through,
plundering a bit of Handel, some of the
cheekiness of PDQ Bach, and a hefty dose of
21st Century pop culture thrown into the
mix. The "suite" of Messiah on display
here is a rowdy mix of classical
show-offs-manship with sly winks to
everything from John Williams's "Theme From
Jaws" to Harry Potter, James Bond, and a
touch of Spike Jones or perhaps Kay
Kyser. In other words, purists be
damned, sit down, shut up, and you just may
enjoy yourself. It helps that the
quartet who make up Red Priest are sublime
musicians, with blazing musicianship on
display - they rip through these pieces with
great alacrity and skill - and if you just
happen to hear a "yee-haw!" thrown in, I
daresay you might be so inclined to add one
yourself after hearing a few of these